two pictures folder
two pictures folder

Download your own website websit visitor: 26236

Here you can download a file for HTML to create your own website with administration."DEMO WEBSITE":

Download: ""

Download: ""

Download: ""

Download: ""

Here you can order the full version of "MyWebsite". With website, lexicon, course management, company administration. Send $10 to the PayPal adress / Enter your e-mail addressed in the textfield "What is the payement for?" This allows us to send you the "MyWebsite" data package. The data package includes a video with an installation guide. More templates, more features.

The *MyWebsiteTXTZIP* file for making your website in FTP Server. Number of downloads 1808 PHP/CSS text snippets

Instruction for installing MyWebsiteTXT

With this download you have to copy the files into the HTML folder, of the hosting as they are.
So the data is copied into the HTML folder.
First Extract the folder ""
Upload the PHP files and HTML files . Eg."index.php".
Then the folders with the CSS, TXT, Bilder, BilderW. E.g."CSS"folder with contents e.g. "Handy.css".
This version needs an HTML folder!!!
The loading time when hosting to upload the HTML folder is:
--Version detailed 2.1 / 4 minutes for copy to HTML folder.
The provosoric password and name is "a" + "a" for Administration.php to desing the website.
Start with AA-START-WEBSITE.php and set password for web administration
Now you can design your website with Administration.php .
If you are satisfed, send $10 to the PayPal adress
So that I can developer the program further.E-MAIL / GTC of TCWeb / TCWeb-Webagentur

two pictures folder
two pictures folder